ST 5057 5576


The cave is locked and access is controlled by Mendip Caving Group. A leader system is in operation.

Use the contact form on www.mendipcavinggroup.org.uk or write to the Hon. Sec., Mendip Caving Group, Nordrach Cottage, Charterhouse, Blagdon, Bristol, BS40 7XW

The major Mendip clubs have guest leaders and requests for trips should be made to one of these if you are a member of one of these clubs.

Party size is a maximum of 4 including leader. No carbide. No novices. Wetsuit or neofleece to be worn beyond the first duck.

The boulder choke contains 13 squeezes, the tightest of which is 23cm for a distance of 30cm.

A return trip to the far reaches is not to be underestimated, and should only be undertaken by suitably experienced cavers. It is arduous and typically lasts some 6 hours with many obstacles requiring a good level of physical fitness, stamina and an awareness of cave safety. Participation on a trip is at the discretion of the leader.

For further information see www.mendipcavinggroup.org.uk/upper-flood-swallet/

Last modified 1st Jun 2019.
Copyright © CSCC 2025. For the latest information see cscc.org.uk.
To maintain good relations with the landowners if the location is published the access information should also be published.