The Bath Stone Mines


During recent years the old underground stone quarries in the Bath area have become very popular with cavers. It must be remembered that these underground quarries have their own inherent dangers in the form of pit props that have rotted away so that the roof is no longer supported and loose deads throughout to give just two examples.

Please also respect the underground code and take nothing but photographs. We all wish to enjoy the industrial remains in their underground environment. It is particularly important in this respect that the underground cranes are not moved. Some of these cranes are in a very dangerous state.

With little interest in the quarries in the past there have been few access problems, however as visitor numbers have increased so have the corresponding access problems. As a direct result of these the landowner has locked and attempted to control access, in the past, to Brown?s Folly. Problems have also occurred at Swan and Box Mines.

Last modified 27th Dec 2010.
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To maintain good relations with the landowners if the location is published the access information should also be published.