Mendip |
ST 4447 5736 |
The entrance is located in a private garden and permission to visit the mine has been kindly granted by the householder subject to the arrangements set out below. If there is any contact with the householder please be courteous and respectful.
The Access Agreement is:-
Singing River Mine Access Agreement
1) Access will be controlled by the Council of Southern Caving Clubs on behalf of the landowner.
2) The access procedure is:-
a) Access is strictly by prior booking only.
b) Bookings can be made by emailing, giving at least 1 week's notice.
c) The booking email must contain:-
- The name and contact details of the trip leader,
- Confirmation the trip leader has BCA Insurance,
- The date and time of the proposed trip,
- The party size.
d) C&A Officer will check the mine is available (one trip at a time) and enter the booking on a calendar shared with the Landowner.
e) 24 hours before the trip, the C&A Officer will contact the trip leader to confirm the booking is still ok (the landowner has not asked for the booking to be changed cancelled) and confirm the padlock combination code.
f) The entrance gate MUST be kept closed at all times, including while the party is in the mine.
g) Trips can only take place between 9:00am and 9:30pm.
h) Cars should be parked in the village centre and not on Folly Lane.
i) Please do not change into your caving kit in the garden or the adjoining lane.
j) A trespass fee of £2 per head should be deposited in the collection jar by the entrance.
k) Please only belay from the belay bar built into the gate. Do not use the landowner's trees, fence posts etc.
l) Please be quiet whilst in the garden and comply with any requests made by the landowner and their family.
Further information will be provided when a booking is confirmed.
Last modified 21st Sep 2023. Copyright © CSCC 2025. For the latest information see To maintain good relations with the landowners if the location is published the access information should also be published.